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Error Notifications on Emirex (

Last modified:

This article discloses troubleshooting for the most common errors on Emirex.

1001. Provided Zip/post code in your profile is invalid. Please contact customer support.
This error means that ZIP code you provided in your profile is invalid. Please create a ticket to solve this issue.

1002. The precision must be equal to two
There should be two or fewer decimals in a number. For example, $4.56 is right, while $4.567 does not work.

1003. User level does not allow to create fiat deposits
Upgrade your verification level to make deposits in fiat here.

422. Invalid volume or price
The order amount or price is too low to be executed. Please increase the order amount or price to execute an order.

429. You have made too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please try again in an hour
You have entered the wrong password/email when making login attempts more than 3 times in a row within 10 minutes. You can access an account again within an hour.

403. Invalid login details. Check that the details are correct.
You have entered the wrong password/email when making a login attempt. Please check your login data and try again.

401. This section is available to authorized users only.
You do not have permission to use this feature/access the page. Please contact support and describe your issue.

503. This service is currently unavailable.
The service is currently unavailable. Please contact support and describe your issue.

504. The server request timed out.
There is an issue with loading a page. Please check your Internet connection. If it stable, contact support and describe your issue.

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