What are the minimum requirements for my account password? (Emirex.ee)
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The minimum requirements for the password are:
- min 1 digit
- min 1 capital
- min 8 characters
But you should remember, the more complex the password the better. Please use a mixture of lower and uppercase letters adding symbols like «!» or «#» into your password.
You should avoid using simple passwords like «a123456Z», passwords with famous quotes, and passwords similar to those used on any other website. Here is an example of a strong password: «Na3-#t8!5-56DF-@er1» (please do not use this exact password).
Tip: There is one more thing that can help you keep your account more secure. You should periodically change your password to a different one (around every 3 months).
For better security of your Emirex account, also enable 2-factor authentication (2FA).