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How to enable Google Authenticator on Emirex? (

Last modified:

Prevent hackers from accessing your account with an additional layer of security. When you sign in, a 2-Step verification helps make sure your personal information stays private, safe and secure.

How to enable 2FA?

To enable Google Authenticator, you should do the following:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Go to your profile.
  3. Select Security section.

    Image 249

    4. Press the “Enable” button

    Image 250

    Note: The system allows to enable either email based 2FA or Google Authenticator. Therefore, if you try to enable Google Authenticator while having email based 2FA enabled you will get the following message:

    Image 251

    You will need to disable email based 2FA first in order to enable Google Authenticator.
    Warning: Back up your Account Token (Key). You will need it in case you lose or upgrade your phone and have to reinstall Google Authenticator.

    Image 252

    Tip: Before enabling Google Authenticator, you should first download and install it on your mobile device. Please visit Google Play or App Store to do that.

    5. Once you install the app on your mobile, scan the QR code.

    Image 253

    6. Take the code from your Google Authenticator app.

    Image 254

    7. Insert the code in the field «Google Authenticator code».

    Image 255


    If you still have questions, please contact us, we will be happy to help!

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