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What is 2FA verification? (

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Username and password login are increasingly insecure since many people reuse passwords and passwords are constantly leaked in data breaches.

Two-factor authentication (2FA), sometimes referred to as two-step verification or dual-factor authentication, is a security layer in addition to your password.

At Emirex two types of Two-factor authentication (2FA) are available: Email based 2FA and Google Authenticator.

Email based 2FA

When you enable email based 2FA option, you’ll be asked to provide a secret one-time passcode that will be sent to your email to verify your identity every time you log in to your account. Here are the articles on how to enable and disable email based 2FA (please see our articles How to enable Email based 2FA and How to disable Email based 2FA)

Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator meets all modern technology and security requirements. It generates codes for two-step verification, which in turn ensures higher protection for your account by requesting you to perform a second verification action during sign-up.

You will need to enter both the password and the code generated by the Google Authenticator app on your phone. Since the codes are generated in the local application of the phone, such codes cannot be intercepted and used for fraudulent purposes. Here are the articles on how to enable and disable Google Authenticator(see an articles How to enable Google Authenticator and How to disable Google Authenticator).

Note: Using Google Authenticator for your 2-step verification codes, you will still be protected even if your password is stolen.

Caution: if you lose an access to your Google Authenticator App, you need to contact our support in order to restore your account.

If you still have questions, please contact us, we will be happy to help!

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